Mount disks.

Using a dedicated disk for the node database is highly recommended. The installation process assumes that there is a /data directory that will contain the executables, configuration files and data for the node.

First we identify the disks available in the system:

$ lsblk

If it does not appear you should check if it was created correctly in your infrastructure provider.

Format the disk, for example, in ext4 filesystem, and add the alastria-b label for the data disk.

$ sudo mkfs.ext4 -L alastria-b /dev/xvd__X__

Create the /data directory where the disk will be mounted.

$ sudo mkdir /data

Add this line at the end of /etc/fstab file so that the alastria-b disk is always mounted on restart in /data directory. The number 0 in the next column indicates that the filesystem does not use the dump utility (nobody uses that nowadays! :upside_down_face:) and the number 2 in the last column indicates that this filesystem should be checked after the system partition.

$ sudo vi /etc/fstab 

LABEL=alastria-b        /data   ext4    defaults,discard        0 2

Mount the disk in the designated path.

$ sudo mount /data

Test if the partition has been mounted correctly.

$ df -h

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev
tmpfs           394M  752K  393M   1% /run

/dev/sd__X__        32G  2.3G   28G   8% /data